
Präsident Nelson lädt dazu ein, die Botschaft von der Wieder­her­stellung des Evangeliums zu verbreiten

Präsident Russell M. Nelson von der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage lädt die Heiligen der Letzten Tage ein, 2020 das Evangelium Jesu Christi mit anderen zu teilen. Im neuen Jahr jährt sich zum 200. Mal die Erste Vision.

Der Prophet veröffentlichte am Neujahrstag auf seinen Konten auf Facebook, Twitter und Instagram die folgende Botschaft.

When I spoke during last October’s general conference, I designated 2020 as a bicentennial period commemorating 200 years since God the Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph Smith in a vision. That singular event in human history initiated the Restoration of the Lord’s gospel—an unfolding Restoration that continues today. . God loves all of His children and has a vision for each of us. Just as He listened to Joseph’s prayer in 1820, He listens to you and yearns to speak with you through the Spirit. We invite you to be a major part of sharing the message of the ongoing restoration of the Savior’s gospel. We will share more about this soon, but you can start today by acting on the invitations I extended to you at last general conference to immerse yourself in the glorious light of the Restoration. . You may wish to begin your preparation by reading afresh Joseph Smith’s account of the First Vision as recorded in the Pearl of Great Price. Or ponder important questions such as, “How would my life be different if my knowledge gained from the Book of Mormon were suddenly taken away?” or “How have the events that followed the First Vision made a difference for me and my loved ones?” . Select your own questions. Design your own plan. Act on any of these invitations to prepare yourself for sharing the important messages of the ongoing Restoration. It is your personal preparation that will help April’s general conference become for you not only memorable but also unforgettable. The time to act is now. This is a hinge point in the history of the Church, and your part is vital.

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"In meiner Ansprache bei der letzten Herbst-Generalkonferenz bezeichnete ich 2020 als den Zeitpunkt einer Zweihundertjahrfeier, denn so lange ist es nun her, dass Gottvater und sein geliebter Sohn Jesus Christus in einer Vision Joseph Smith erschienen sind", schrieb Präsident Nelson in einem Blog-Beitrag. "Dies ist eine wichtige Wegmarke in der Geschichte der Kirche, und Ihr Beitrag ist von wesentlicher Bedeutung."

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